Cup of Tea Talk To Me Ministry

Ministry of Presence

Prayer Ministry

Ministry of presence with Him – The Lord is CEO of Cup of Tea – He will lead the outreach and outpouring.

Commitment to time with Him in prayer, worship, in His presence

Commitment to prayer for our communities and for each person that comes in contact with Cup of Tea.

– Prayer journal to be kept for each person that would like continued prayer

Prayer will be the most vital part of the ministry

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” James 15:5

Ministry To Community

One-on-one, a ministry of presence and a ministry of prayer, to coming alongside women/people to encourage, inspire, and help in times of need with both one-on-one encouragement, hope, laughter, and wisdom

Primary mission is for reaching those outside the church, or even in, that need someone to listen to them one-on-one.

Someone that can just sit with them with a cup of tea that they can trust to share and listen to their pain, hurt, fears; and can share either from their own testimony or just plant seeds of hope of the One who is real and in control, and still has a plan for their lives and this world

Primary mission would be one-on-one

Occasional speaking ministry to offer hope to more than one

Traveling/Speaking Ministry

The vision in years forward would be to traveling ministry with a Cup of Tea Talk to Me ministry that could travel to offer tea and testimony and hope to different communities, just traveling one-on-one ministries.

Like the disciples, where they could go and be able to travel, speak, laugh, spread the gospel and listen to people and let Jesus meet them where they are one-on-one, planting those seeds along the path.